Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Just Doing My Job

This morning, while we were doing school, the dog escaped from the yard. I ran outside, got her, put her back in the yard and came back inside. But, seeing as I am allergic to dogs, the fun did not end there. I started sneezing and my nose started running. I was making a lot of ruckus. Noah stops doing his work and looks at me.

"I'm going to pray for you to stop sneezing, ok?"

"Ok baby," I say.

He squeezes his eyes shut. "Jesus, please help my Mommy to feel better and stop sneezing. In Jesus' name. Amen."

"Thanks sweet heart," I say.

He picks up his pencil and sighs as if he's just done a lot of work and says, "Just doing my job. Protecting you."

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Forget That I Said That, OK?

Last night, Noah watched American Idol with JJ while I was at Jiu-Jitsu. This morning, I turned it on while I was drinking my coffee. It was group week on the show and one group walks on the stage.

Noah says, "These guys lose."

Sigh. "Noah, I haven't seen this yet."

"Oops. Forget that I said that, then, ok?"

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Evil Genius Laugh

Noah is an Evil Genius, deep down. From a few years ago.

Noah is an Eating Machine

So far this morning, Noah has eaten the following:

1 bowl of oatmeal
1 banana
1 apple
10 large strawberries
20 grapes
2 cups of applesauce
2 cheese hotdogs

It is not even noon yet.

I was talking to Steph, my sister-in-law, on the phone and I lamented that Noah is an eating machine. After I hung up, he asked me, "What's an eating machine?"

"An eating machine is a machine that was designed to eat and eat and eat and never stop eating," I answered.

He considered this for a moment, then said, "Ok, you're right then. I am an eating machine."
(Noah's drawing of an "Eating Machine")