Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Yo-ho, Yo-ho a British Life for Me!

Noah is learning about George Washington. This morning, we talked about the American Revolution and the battle where George Washington led a surprise attack against the British.

When I was explaining to him why the early Americans wanted to be free of British rule, I was telling him that the King was ordering them to give him lots of their money without being fair.

Noah said, "So, the British were kind of like pirates?"

Me. "Um...kind of. But the British were taking taxes--charging money for things--without being fair."

Noah, "So they were stealing."

Me, "Kind of."

Noah, "So, they were pirates, like I said."

Me, "Not really, but you can think of it like that if you want."

So, when Noah was drawing a picture of George Washington going over to surprise the British (pictured above), Noah was singing, "Yo ho, yo ho a British life for me!"

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